Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong partners with Santa Maria Novella to present the Medici Garden Afternoon Tea

Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong X Santa Maria Novella Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong has partnered with Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella, the “Foundry of His Royal Highness” for the Old Italian Royal House, to present the Medici Garden Aromatic Afternoon Tea at Café 103, tea delicacies inspired by the eight- hundred-year-old brand’s Read more…

Remarkable Autumn Afternoon Tea at Fairmont Beijing

北京华彬费尔蒙酒店 “秋日下午茶” Fairmont Beijing Afternoon Tea 秋日下午茶 甜点 芒果西番莲慕斯蛋糕 迷你蓝莓芝士蛋糕配巧克力 浓味伯爵巧克力奶冻 什锦浆果奶油杯 咸点 西班牙火腿配无花果及布里芝士 红虾配墨西哥鳄梨酱及豆苗 迷你鸡蛋三明治配南瓜及鹌鹑蛋 德式迷你碱水包配秋季金桔及萨拉米 原味司康饼及榴莲派 人民币388元/双人 大堂酒廊 电话 010 – 8507 3619 北京华彬费尔蒙酒店 +86 010 8511 7777 [email protected] 北京 建国门外大街  永安东里 8 号 100022