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Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong has something for you in the Year of The Snake

RCHK year of snake 1

RCHK year of snake 3

Year of the Snake

Celebrating the advent of Year of the Snake, a symbol of rebirth and transformation, the hotel proudly presents an exquisite collection of hampers and festive feasts.

They are the Chinese New Year Radish Pudding with X.O. Sauce and Ginger Glutinous Pudding, elegantly packaged in red and gold gift sets, and hampers. 

The hotel also brings back the popular Classic Winter Casserole (Poon Choi) for guests to enjoy in the comfort of their home or place of choice. 


Featuring selected items with dedication including fine wines, abalone, and mushrooms and more. They are perfect gifting choice.

Early bird savings are available for hampers orders placed before January 13, 2025.

For more information or to place order, call or email:

+852 2263 2270

[email protected]

Gift Sets

Early bird savings are available for orders placed before December 19, 2024.

Purchase of 50 sets or more to enjoy bulk order savings.

852 2263 2270

[email protected],

Classic Winter Casserole (Poon Choi) 

  • HK$788 (for 1 person)
  • HK$1388 (2 persons)
  • HK$3988 (6 persons)
  • HK$4988 (8 persons)

+852 2263 2160

[email protected]

香港麗思卡爾頓酒店 蛇年新春送礼佳品上市



兩款禮物籃供客人選擇,精心挑選的產品包括各款美酒、鮑魚、花菇等奢華禮盒美⾷, 款款都充滿驚喜,無論是饋贈親友或是與摯友一同享用,都能為新年慶祝增添無限喜悅。

盆菜多達 18 款矜貴⾷材,重點推介包括五頭原隻鮑魚、滋補花膠、爽口海參、特級瑤柱、黃金蠔豉和特大海蝦等。盆菜提供一人、二人、六人及八人份量選擇。


於 2024 年 12 月 19 日或之前確認付款可享早鳥優惠

購買 50 盒年糕禮盒或以上可享大量訂購優惠

+852 2263 2270

[email protected]


2025 年 1 月 13 日之前下的訂單可享早鳥優惠。

+852 2263 2270

[email protected]


  • 港幣$788 (一位用)
  • 港幣$1,388 (兩位用)
  • 港幣$3,988 (六位用)
  • 港幣$4,988 (八位用)

+852 2263 2160

[email protected]

E-shop 网上商店

The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong


+852 2263-2263

International Commerce Centre

1 Austin Road West


Hong Kong

Paul Lo

Paul is the publisher of Red Bird Travel News, from Hong Kong, now living in Shanghai, and has worked at South China Morning Post, Apple Daily, Shanghai Daily, and Global Times.