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Aura Lounge at the Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong Presents Royal Dutch Afternoon Tea

Ritz-Carlton Royal Dutch Afternoon Tea Aura Lounge at Ritz-Carlton Shanghai Pudong. Inspired by the “Tulips of Amsterdam” collection from Royal Dutch, the renowned European home aesthetics brand, this culinary experience seamlessly blends modern royal aesthetics with the ceremonial charm of afternoon tea. Every piece of “Royal Dutch Afternoon Tea” brings Read more…

台北福華大飯店 3月起全新美食「海鮮交響曲」

台北福華大飯店 海味滿載 澎湃上桌 乍暖還寒的春日降臨,最適合用鮮美大餐滋養身心靈!飯店彩虹座自3月1日起推出全新美食企劃「海鮮交響曲」,匯聚超過20種新鮮海味,打造超過50道創意料理,帶來海洋到餐桌的極致盛宴。 「海鮮交響曲」自2025年3月1日至5月31日,於週一到週日午餐及晚餐時段供應,平日自助午餐成人每人1,650元起、自助晚餐成人每人1,750元起。 極鮮饗宴3月1日全新登場 彩虹座「海鮮交響曲」嚴選超過20種高檔海味,一站式享受豐盛佳餚。活動期間自2025年3月1日起至5月31日於彩虹座活跳開饗。 ■「海鮮交響曲」自助午、晚餐 ‧活動日期:2025年3月1日起至2025年5月31日 ‧活動時間:午餐11:30~14:00、晩餐18:00~21:30 ‧適用餐廳:彩虹座 菜品名稱 菜品特色 烏魚子燻鮭魚凱薩沙拉 炙燒切片烏魚子搭上煙燻鮭魚,佐以新鮮生菜及麵包丁,每口都能吃到最新鮮的滋味,實現真正的海鮮自由! 現煎龍膽石斑魚片 選用台灣本地龍膽石斑魚,肉質Q彈無腥味,採用現點現煎的烹調手法,表皮金黃酥脆且完美鎖住肉汁,濃縮鮮味頓時於口中爆開。 越南啤酒蝦 使用辛香料的香茅、生薑,與啤酒的完美交融,小麥香氣滲入蝦肉,帶來濃郁而獨特的異國風味。 海鮮焗烤配焦糖蘋果 賦予焗烤料理全新格局,在特製奶油白醬中加入魚肉、干貝、花枝等多樣海鮮,經30分鐘焗烤,最後灑上焦糖蘋果,果香與乳香相輔相成,清爽不膩口。 莓果杏仁派 順應著春日節氣,點心坊主廚以酸甜莓果為主角,結合奶油、杏仁等食材,滑順餡料再搭配底層的碎餅乾,口感層次分明。 ‧費用價格:平日自助午餐成人每人1,650元起、自助晚餐成人每人1,750元起,兒童與55歲以上貴賓另享優惠折扣 訂位專線:02-2326-7429 更多詳情請瀏覽官網: 加碼推出三大優惠方案 凡年滿55歲貴賓享有資深優惠價,專屬回饋最高65折起。兩人同行,第二人最多享5折優惠。以及,消費滿1,000元即贈200元珍珠坊餐飲抵用券,大快朵頤之餘,還能賺滿荷包。 優惠方案 適用內容 資深優惠價 活動時間:即日起 適用對象:年滿55歲貴賓 午餐價格:週一至週五1,250元,週六、日及假日1,450元 下午茶價格:週一至週五800元,週六、日及假日1,000元 晚餐價格:週一至週四1,250元,週五及週日1,350元,週六及假日1,450元 (以上價格均含服務費) 兩人同行,第二人折扣 活動時間:即日起至2025年3月31日 週一至週五,第二人享5折 週六及週日,第二人享6折 滿千送百餐飲抵用券 活動時間:2025年3月1日起至2025年4月30日 於彩虹座每桌消費滿1,000元,即贈200元珍珠坊餐飲抵用券 台北福华大饭店 (Howard Plaza Hotel Taipei) 台湾 Read more…

Hyatt Asia Pacific Meetings & Events Alliance to Launch 9 Properties to Streamline Multi-city Event Planning for Organizers

Hyatt new Asia Pacific program aims to provide corporate planners with a seamless, efficient, and centralized approach across the collection of Hyatt properties Hyatt announces the launch of the Hyatt Asia Pacific Meetings & Events Alliance, a strategic initiative designed to streamline multi-year, multi-city event planning across the Asia Pacific region. Read more…

香港文華東方酒店25樓 The Aubrey 聯手 Baccarat 為愛舉杯

Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong The Aubrey joins Baccarat to raise a glass to love 位於香港文華東方酒店 25樓,充滿魅力且獨具風情的日式居酒屋The Aubrey與法國奢華生活方式品牌Baccarat聯手,獨家合作推出”Brews of Love”主題雞尾酒。 “Brews of Love” 主題雞尾酒精選一系列精心調製的雞尾酒,皆以 Baccarat 的標誌性水晶杯呈現。此次合作展示了 The Aubrey 才華橫溢調酒師的藝術格調和技巧,而三款特製雞尾酒則體現了精緻風味和永恆優雅的和諧交融,邀請賓客探索豐富的味覺層次、質地和口感對比,並提供難忘的人生體驗。 擁有逾260年歷史的 Baccarat,以其精湛工藝抒寫非凡傳承,在睿智創新的先鋒文化驅動下,持續踐行承諾、將傳統發揚光大。懷擁對精益求精與前沿時尚的同一熱情,”Brews of Love” 汲靈感於獨特藝術視角,將經典雞尾酒作重新詮釋,以發未來品味的先聲。每款雞尾酒都展現了絕佳的調酒藝術,以 Baccarat 水晶杯的獨特魅力,煥彩璀璨特飲與極致體驗。賓客在盡享美妙雞尾酒的同時,還能欣賞香港天際線的景色。特別在這花好月圓的情人佳節,Baccarat在手,讓每一次舉杯、每一口啜飲,都更回味無窮、令人神往。 “Brews of Love” 雞尾酒包含: White Lady 汲靈感於傳奇調酒師Harry MacElhone,白色麗人雞尾酒融合植物學家金酒、柑橘和檸檬,清新在舌尖綻放。這款經典雞尾酒盛放於優雅的Baccarat Harcourt Eve哈酷系列 “伊芙” 酒杯中,既沉澱歷史底蘊,又彰顯深刻內涵。哈酷系列伊芙酒杯以其優雅輪廓和標誌性的六面水晶,以具象化的水晶器皿重新定義女性魅力。 Monte Cassino 借鑒本篤會悠久歷史,Monte Cassino以Benedictine 草本利口酒替代傳統櫻桃酒,並選用美國黑麥威士忌以添暖意深度。這款雞尾酒盛放於華麗的Baccarat Mille Nuits千夜系列酒杯中,其交替的條紋和中央優雅切割的水晶,巧妙折射光線、提升品飲體驗,飽含”一千零一夜”式的東方異域情調,點亮神妙幻彩的感官盛宴。 Two Bishop 作為經典牛奶賓治的現代演繹,Two Read more…

ANA InterContinental Tokyo Unveils Icon Reborn Transformation

ANA InterContinental Tokyo, an IHG Hotel ANA InterContinental Tokyo unveils its transformational 15-month renovation. Redesigned for today’s modern luxury traveller, the hotel presents 801 revitalised rooms alongside new dining and social concepts. This marks the beginning of the next chapter in the property’s over 35-year legacy, further cementing InterContinental’s reputation Read more…

Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong and Ritz-Carlton Macau Join Hands to Present an “Elevated Epicurean Journey”

Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong’s Tin Lung Heen and Ritz-Carlton Macau’s Lai Heen Presenting “Elevated Epicurean Journey” Four-hand Experience Chef Paul Lau, Director of Culinary from two MICHELIN-starred Tin Lung Heen, Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong, and Executive Chef Jackie Ho, from one MICHELIN-starred Lai Heen, Ritz-Carlton, Macau, join hands to present Elevated Epicurean Read more…

S Hotels And Resorts’ 2 properties, Saii Laguna Phuket and Santiburi Koh Samui, join Serandipians Luxury Travel Network

S Hotels And Resorts have 2 properties now in Serandipians Luxury Travel Network S Hotels And Resorts PCL (SHR) has announced that two of its flagship properties, SAii Laguna Phuket and Santiburi Koh Samui, have been inducted into the prestigious Serandipians Luxury Travel Network. Serandipians & Takumians by Traveller Made, Read more…

Valentine’s Day Feb 14 Dinner Romance at InterContinental Shanghai Pudong

An 8-course Valentine’s Day Dinner  This Valentine’s Day (Feb 14th) indulge in a culinary delight with your loved one, at the Oriental House, InterContinental Shanghai Pudong with specially designed 8-course romantic dinner by the hotel’s Master Chef Morgan. 2月14日情人节特别的日子,在颇具海派浪漫氛围的东方食苑与TA 共享饱含爱意的八道式晚餐,开启情人节的专属风味,定格怦然心动的浪漫时刻。 RMB 888 Two Persons 双人 Oriental House, Enquiries and Reservation Read more…

Hard Rock Hotel Bali Achieves Prestigious GSTC Certification

Hard Rock Hotel Bali Hard Rock Hotel Bali has recently achieved recognition as a Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) certified hotel, marking a significant milestone as the second establishment in Indonesia to obtain this esteemed certification. The GSTC certification underscores the hotel’s unwavering dedication to implementing sustainable practices and its commitment Read more…

London named world’s top destination in Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards

London named world’s top destination It is London! TripadvisorⓇ, the world’s largest travel guidance platform, today announced its first Travellers’ ChoiceⓇ Award for 2025: Best of the Best Destinations. These are the most sought after global destinations, according to Tripadvisor reviewers, and this year London secures the top spot.  Tripadvisor’s Read more…

Weekends Culinary Experience at InterContinental Shanghai Pudong

上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店 周末美食体验 Weekends foodies out there, great news for you! From now until March 31, 2025, InterContinental Shanghai Pudong has installed 2 great culinary experience lineups: 美食爱好者们好消息!从现在起至 2025 年 3 月 31 日,上海浦东洲际酒店推出 2 项精彩周末美食体验: All-You-Can-Eat Abalone and Lobster themed Buffet Dinner (鲍鱼龙虾畅食自助晚餐) RMB 218 每位 / Per Person,From now Read more…

香港麗思卡爾頓酒店 2025蛇年新春煙花賀新歲

香港麗思卡爾頓賀新歲 新年煙花匯演將在本年新春大年初二(1 月 30 日)在維多利亞港上演,麗思卡爾頓酒店居高臨下,可飽覽維多利亞至灣仔一帶海景,餐廳及房間均能欣賞璀璨煙花。 新春煙花匯演當日各餐廳收費: 餐廳名稱 收費(港幣,需另收加一服務費) Tosca di Angelo *米芝蓮一星意大利餐廳 「Minuetto」四道菜晚餐 價錢: 成人每位港幣$1,888 「Ricordi」五道菜晚餐 價錢: 成人每位港幣$2,288 位置座位 5 道菜晚餐 *保證靠窗位置 價錢:每位成人港幣 3,888 包括美酒搭配 大堂酒廊 The Lounge & Bar 賀年自助晚餐價錢: 每位成人港幣$1,238 包括無限添飲橙汁及汽水 每位成人港幣$1,538 包括無限添飲Veuve Clicquot 香檳 每位成人港幣$2,938 包括無限添飲Dom Pérignon 香檳 每位小童港幣$718 包括無限添飲橙汁及汽水 *所有用餐賓客或可到 9 樓酒店平台觀賞煙花連香檳乙杯 Café 103 新春自助晚餐價錢: 成人每位港幣$1,488小童每位港幣$688 Read more…

Sunset Hours Benefit 5pm Drink Specials Buy One Get One

Sunset Drink Specials Sip and Savor — Relax and unwind at Lounge 777 with your Favorite Drinks! BUY ONE GET ONE FREE on House Brand ! From RMB 78 2025.01.01 – 03.31 5-9pm Daily 日落时分,在柒酒廊,与好友共度欢乐时光,小酌一杯店选,享受精致小食,让每个夜晚都充满温馨愉悦。 店选酒品 买一赠一 RMB 78 起 每天 17:00-20:00 InterContinental Shanghai Pudong 上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店 Lounge 777 (柒酒廊) Reservation Read more…

Marriott International Brings 1st Ritz-Carlton Brand to Xiamen

Marriott’s Ritz-Carlton Coming to Xiamen Marriott International, Inc. has announced the signing of an agreement with Xiamen Green Development Investment Group to introduce The Ritz-Carlton to Xiamen Island in Fujian Province. The Ritz-Carlton, Xiamen will deliver its legendary service and elegant aesthetic to immerse guests in one of China’s most coveted destinations.   The new Read more…

JA Manafaru Maldives Achieves Prestigious Worldwide Kids Accreditation for Second Consecutive Year

Accreditation for JA Manafaru Maldives JA Manafaru is pleased to announce that it has once again received the respected Worldwide Kids (WK) Accreditation for the second consecutive year, highlighting its commitment to providing a family-friendly experience. This independent seal of excellence recognises resorts that uphold the highest international standards in Read more… Group unites partners to drive growth and explore new opportunities unites partners Opportunities, collaboration, and future growth took centre stage at Group’s annual Global Partner Summit, where over 2,000 industry leaders, including representatives from accommodation providers, airlines, attractions and tour operators, tourism boards, and the media, gathered to envision the future of travel. With the theme ‘A Shared Read more…

Accor unveils an outstanding line-up of new hotels, resorts in 2025

From ultra-luxurious train journeys to seaside wellness retreats, Accor continues to push the boundaries of extraordinary hospitality experience. Across its spectrum of 45+ hospitality brands, ranging from luxury to economy and everything in between; and around the world, some 330,000+ talented Accor Heartists are delivering passion for hospitality and genuine care, crafting Read more…

IHG Greater China Operation Leadership Team (OLT) Meeting 2024

IHG Greater China Operation Leadership Team IHG Greater China just concluded their 2024 Operation Leadership Team (OLT) meeting held at voco Shanghai Zhangjiang. The Operation Leadership Team (OLT) meeting at InterContinental Hotels Group is a strategic forum where key operational leaders discuss business priorities, performance updates, and critical initiatives. InterContinental Read more…

InterContinental Shanghai Pudong Celebrates 28th Anniversary by Supporting Charity

InterContinental Shanghai Pudong InterContinental Shanghai Pudong sponsored the 2024 Shanghai Sunrise Pairing Ceremony on 9 November 2024. Shanghai Sunrise is a volunteer-led, non-profit organization committed to creating access to education through scholarships for underprivileged Shanghai youth. Since 1996, the institute has raised 35 million RMB and enabled 3,600 students for Read more…

JW Marriott Changsha Celebrates JW Marriott Brand 40th Anniversary

长沙建鸿达JW万豪酒店蔬苑派对 庆贺JW万豪品牌40周年 JW Marriott Changsha Celebrates the 40th Anniversary of JW Marriott Brand 作为JW Marriott万豪酒店大中华区JW万豪品牌40周年庆典活动之一,长沙建鸿达JW万豪酒店呈现了一场别具特色的蔬苑派对,宾客可此品尝以蔬苑新鲜食材和香料烹饪而成的美味佳肴。 长沙建鸿达JW万豪酒店的JW蔬苑,种植迷迭香、薄荷叶、柠檬、小辣椒,制成新鲜食材及香料,被用于特调、帝王蟹烧椒沙拉、本地泡菜和牛卷、红茶冰霜等美肴,为宾客提供更加亲近自然的餐饮体验。 长沙建鸿达JW万豪酒 +86 731-8329 9999 湖南 长沙 雨花区 芙蓉中路 567号 410000